very active single fuzzy tentacle (digitate hydroid)


This video is shot after it was going nuts. It'z fuzzy with curved hairs. When it is fully extended it reaches around with pretty good dexterity. It's not a peanut worm or a banded worm. and you can barely see that there is more to it at the base than just a worm shape. I think it might be the Sarlac.

no one with any ideas to google? This thing is sooooo weird. It's like one extendable tentacle with a little pile of creepy mass at the base. I just noticed what appears to be a tiny clear one right next to it.
Wow. I had a few of these in my 55, never knew what they were except they were so small and not close to corals I didn't care, lol.
Whoa! That's way cool. Well as long as it's not hurting anything. . . . haha. Wonder what it is. I hope they don't end up turning into a million of them. THAT wouldn't be cool.
It's in my frag tank and there are about 10 that I can count right now. My pod population is crazy (no fish) so there may just be enough food for a population explosion. I haven't added anything but some really dead rock and reef chili for quite a while so I'm starting to think Aristotle may have been right about spontaneous generation. . . They're definitely dangerous to pods though.
where's you get that kewl lightsabre?

It's just one of those acrylic rods that they use as pointers at swaps. I got it for $2 at maci. It's cool how it goes all fiber optic under actinics. I use it all the time with my kids because aquarium parallax is an educational beyaach.
Go to Spencers and buy glowsticks. Same thing.

Wha? It's just a piece of regular orange fluorescent acrylic. The ambient light is being trapped and focused in it. Just like triicon sights. I'm over explaining. Anyway. . .

How often do we have unidentifiable hh folks? Weird. I guess I'll call it "Herbie's on kraken on crack" when I start selling it. . . :D
update; if you find one of these manually remove it carefully under siphon into a bucket as soon as possible. They are spreading rapidly and appear to irritate zoas when in range. Some people report that they just go away eventually, but many complain about them taking over with killing the rock as the only solution.
Ah! I was afraid that would start to happen. Hopefully the removing part won't be too hard. Sounds pretty easy by just siphoning them out.
Ah! I was afraid that would start to happen. Hopefully the removing part won't be too hard. Sounds pretty easy by just siphoning them out.

they are strong little buggers though. Just a siphon won't do it, but you have to have the siphon going when you do it with tweezers or they will spread worse. Fortunately they are confined to my frag tank with only had one big rock it it. I pulled that and put it in a bucket of FW. I would think that several days in there would kill them, right? The weirdest part is that I have no idea where they would of come from other than maybe one of my food sources. I hadn't added anything for weeks prior to their arrival and their population growth suggests they can't have been there very long. If their numbers would stay limited I would keep them because they are really cool, but I can tell they are bothering things they can reach.