very high light corals


Premium member
So I am thinking about setting up my nuvo 16g as a sps tank, but it's going to be super bright and was wondering what you guys think will be best to make this work. What corals to buy and what's to stay away from. The hardier the better than KS for your time guys
pink lemonade is one effing high light yet hardy sps .. pick anything in shades of yellow sps i guess ..
I have pink lemonade,red planet,ORA Bellina,very high in my tank and all have survived tank crashes I have had. I have a few other wild acro colonies up high in the microclados,(SSC), cytherea,tenuis,
anthocercis that seem to do well there.
pink lemonade is one effing high light yet hardy sps .. pick anything in shades of yellow sps i guess ..

I do have some pink lemonade I can try I just got to get my numbers back in range due to my nephew putting salt water in my tank topping it off salinity skyrocketed to 1.045
Don't mind the mess and the messy tank I had just moved it and splashed water everywhere I'll be pulling rock out and scaping the rock in the next week or so. To start getting corals in their
I have 4 pendants. I light 2 ,when lights come on, for 30 minutes,then the other 2, so 4 are lit all day. Before all lights go out, 2 go out, two stay on for 30 minutes and then the other two go out.