Very sad day today for me :( my hawk fish died all of a sudden :(


Well-known member
It's completely healthy as of yesterday .. Even snatched food out of my Duncans last nite.... I thought it ate more than its share

Today morning all of a sudden it's just laying upside down in a shady area .. Moved it a bit .. It fluttered a sec and that's it .. It's dead ...

Have no idea why it died. Checked all parameters and everything is good ... All other fish and corals are completely fine ..

Haven't added any fish recently .. Just added a clam but don't think that's the reason .. And th only other thing I have done differently is changing th lighting to led ..

I was trying to figure out why it died and have no clue ...

I even inspected all it's body and no sign of anything external or wound

Too sad ..
Sorry puffer. We all know how much you love your animals.

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Sorry tinman...

Look up oodinium, I think I had a bout of this a while back. Lost a blenny and two clowns in a matter of 48 hours, all parameters checked out, nothing new or different in the tank, all coral was fine and so was a coral beauty and yellow tang...weird stuff...

Sorry again, sucks losing our little guys out of no where like this
Thanks Scott
But none of the symptoms are present .... Actually the hawk didn't loose color even after its dead ... I still remember how active it is. Last nite ...

Hope it is not that ..
Sorry tinman...

Look up oodinium, I think I had a bout of this a while back. Lost a blenny and two clowns in a matter of 48 hours, all parameters checked out, nothing new or different in the tank, all coral was fine and so was a coral beauty and yellow tang...weird stuff...

Sorry again, sucks losing our little guys out of no where like this
Is everyone forgetting that fish die because of old age?

Or natural causes?

It's not always the water chemicals.....
Sorry to hear about the's especially harder to deal with when we don't know the reason of their death.
Sorry about your fishes. What kind of food you feed them?

mysis shrimp and pellets ... and recently started feeding them freeze dried blood worms .. only fed the blood worms like 2 times

i have those shrimp eggs to hatch but never got around to hatching them
Is everyone forgetting that fish die because of old age?

Or natural causes?

It's not always the water chemicals.....

fishes live very long ... and if its old age then they would have to show signs of lazyness .. it just cant be super active and die next day ..
This has happened to me plenty of times as well, seemingly healthy fish just dying or disappearing next day. Just recently was a mocha clown that seemed completely healthy and eating, playing around with my other clown. Next day I look in the tank and my pom-pom crab is eating what was left of his head. All my water parameters are in check and I'm pretty sure I got rid of all bad hitchhikers a while ago. I just don't know either...