Water storage


Looking for a water storage container around 30 gallon capacity. I know Menards has Brutes on sale but thinking something better. Can anyone help me out with somewhere to go ? Thanks in advance. Pete
Not sure where to get one, but i use a food grade plastic 55 gallon drum. I got mine from a vet associate of my wife a few years ago. Was used for industrial bleach. Since it's food grade, it didn't retain any bleach, i washed the crap out of it just to be safe though.

I bought a hand pump made for drums, and have my ro/di line dump into the drum. Then when i need water, i pump it into my 5 gallon jugs.

Works for me since I'm renting. Once i get my house, I'll build a more permanent and automated setup.

Good luck!
I have 3 of the farm and fleet style ones. Well worth the extra money in my opinion. Very strong and it is nice to have the bulkheads installed in them already.