Waterproof coating inside of cabinet stand?


I'm looking for some ideas on what I could coat the inside of my stand with to contain spills. I was going to try spray rubber, but that's a lot of solvent to evaporate off in my basement. There are also rubberized roofing paints, and adhesive roofing sheets. Has anyone used any of these, any suggestions? Putting together a new tank and recovering from a spill that has left my hardwood floor warped. I'd like to contain future leaks as much as possible, but don't want to use anything that may poison my tank either.
Never wet. Its a 2 part spray paint that goes on clear. It only takes a few hours. water beads into a puddle that can be soaked up very easy.. I have a partner saw that I sprayed with never wet. It was laying in muddy water, when I picked it up it was clean, the mud didn't even stick. I grabbed it from Home depot. Its around 17 bucks for the box. Its by their spray paint.
I also painted with an exterior latex paint and then silicone. If you silicone first the paint won't sick to it.
I painted it white to make it easier to see in there.
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White elastomeric roof coating worked, basically a paint can full of white caulk. Had to spread it like peanut butter but no water ever getting through now.