Weight of a 120g in a condo


New member
So i am debating setting up my 120 in my condo on the third floor. The floor is made of a concrete/ stee ( I dont know the correct name for it) my association advises i check with an engineer to ensure that the floor can support it . I should also add that i have a jacuzzi in my bathroom that probably holds around 100g if i had to guess wouldnt this be proof of the floor being enough support?any thoughts?

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weight of the tank is 190 lbs, 120 gallons of water would be 1020 lbs.

Plus the weight of the sump, sand, live rock, and other equipment so lets say about 1500-1600 lbs.

If the floor is made of concrete and steel I don't see why it would be an issue. I had a 93 gallon cube on the main level of my old house with no issues and that was just wood and ply wood for a floor. I'm sure there is someone you could call if you google it
A couple worker has a 120g in his apt...on 3rd floor of building.

No worries from the association. Their only issue was the humidity issue he was getting at 1st Wich turned out to be a faulty actually unit.