Weird issue with BTA foot.

I can't seem to make this one happy, he sits tight for a week then decides to take a tank tour. He moved to the corner of the glass about for nights ago and has set up shop there for the time being. Since he is on the glass I finally got a good view of the foot and it doesn't look right. After an hour of searching I haven't been able to find anything that fits the bill on here so I figured I would put up a picture to let the experts access what's going on.

Every picture I try tells me it's invalid.

Here is a link to the picture.
It should heal quick. , my nem was sick, and that same thing would protrude then would appear in another spot and it would heal again, like a dozen or more times until it died! :( hope your nem just did it that one time!!
It should heal quick. , my nem was sick, and that same thing would protrude then would appear in another spot and it would heal again, like a dozen or more times until it died! :( hope your nem just did it that one time!!

No sir, it seems to be a theme with it right now. The foot is doing it in very small sections, but every time it looks like it's done, it does it again. If it wasn't on the glass, I would have never seen any of this happening.

All tests look ok, so I ordered a whole new set of ELOS kits to confirm what my current say. My nitrates are upward of 30, but from what I have been reading, that shouldn't be outside if the healthy window for a BTA.
Your nem might be a little sick :(,keep feeding him twice a week, keep it in good flow, I gas about 8 nems when just one started to do what yours is doing, its probably not your water, but he is a little stressed/sick. good flow, and regular feeding, dont over feed... If it doesn't want to eat, its a bad sign :(.