Weld-On #40 Pint Kit (A+B) and Polycarbonate for sump


I want to make a small frag tank for myself but cant find a glass tank to fit the area I have for it, so I want to make it from acrylic. I found polycarbonate sheets that are 250 times stronger than glass. I would think that this sheet would not be as prone to bowing as acrylic sheets. Does anyone have any experience with this? I also want to know if Weld-On #40 Pint Kit (A+B) is safe for welding the sheets and will not leach anything into the tank once it is cured. If I were to go with a 1/4 inch acrylic sheet for a tank that is 1.5 feet by 1.5 feet by 1.5 feet would that be in danger of bowing? Thank you
I think you would have to run a 2" piece around the top edge to support it. It will bow to some extent. 3/8 may be a better choice and do 1/4 top and bottom. I've made small 10 tanks with the 1/4 with great results. Basically the same size as a glass one. The weldon kit I never used just #4 and 16. #4 is basically like water and you have to really be careful about run-off with it. I have used #16 as well and its a little thicker and more forgiving wandering on the piece. - Cast acrylic is the choice of builders if I'm not mistaken and if you are talking about the acrylic at home depot/menards. The one with the blue plastic coating is the type I always used with no problems what so ever.