Wellso Help


New member
Several months ago I picked up a beautiful Ultra Wellso from AP. It has been doing amazing on my stand bed under LEDs (Prestige-Gamma) and I have not moved it nor changed flow, etc. In the evening during sunset it would inflate to the size of a softball. Over the course of the last week is appears to have gone south very quickly. It is relatively close to a torch and duncan (when expanding at night they nearly touch) but has been in that same location for months with no ill effects.

I am running a 36" Gamma over a 29g tank (it will be used on the 120g) so I had whites down to 35% at high-noon so I wouldnt burn anything. Afew weeks back i believe I bumped whites up slightly by 5-10% but this decaying seems to have just started in the last few days.

I thought maybe the torch finally stung it, so I have been dipping it in Revive every night for 15mins in hopes of saving it. I also moved it to a slightly shaded location.

Sorry for the crappy pics, taken with an iPhone under LEDs (they don't do justice)
Purchased back in November:

Inflating at night - you can see the duncan on the right - the Orange Torch is on the left (barely see it)

Wellso now, during dip - nearly all the blue rim is now skeleton =(

In tank, during the day (different location, slightly shaded now)

It had at least 7 mouths that appear to be open most of the time now. I really hope I don't lose this center-piece Ultra... I will do a water change tonight as well as see if it will accept food via target feeding...

Why are you dipping in revive? I don't think it has any parasites??? Beside I believe those don't need to be dipped... By now you could be very be well irritating it... Stop dipping it let it be for a few days and hopefully it will rebound itself...... But from the pictures it looks ok before the dipping
How often did you target feed it? I've successfully brought a smaller one back from similar shape. It took a lot of target feeding over several months. There was good write up on the coral in one of my books, I believe it was Calfo's Book of propagation. In it he talked about just such a condition and how the only way to return the animal to heath was large amount of target feeding as it has lost the necessary symbiotic algae.
I was dipping it incase it was actually stuck by the neighboring torch. The last picture is what it looked like even before dipping - clearly with decay of the rim.

I was not target feeding it that often before and it appeared to be doing great - still growing, inflating at night, etc. I have brought other LPS back from this state (the scoly in the first picture was nearly gone after it fell on another LPS overnight and was stung), but I was just wondering if there were any other thoughts as to the original cause. As I stated, this wasn't a 'gradual' change, it happened in a matter of days.
I have several peppermint shrimp, as well as a fire shrimp - none of them have ever bothered coral unless during feeding. I do also have 2 emerald crabs roaming...I think it may be time to trap/remove them.
looks like a goner to me, possibly getting to much light, leds can burn them pretty easy.

I have it on the sand bed and it was thriving. Yes, I upped the whites by only 5-10% but again that was weeks ago. I would think if lighting was an issue there would have been an immediate effect. I have now shaded it and will try to bring it back via target feeding.