What Algae is this?


Premium member
Hey guys.. I cant figure out what type of algae has started on my rocks and sand. Some of the algae has little bubbles coming out of it in strands. I sounds like Dinos but it does not look like it from what I have seen on the web. It is very green and blows off the rocks very easily. A month ago I started using Biopellets and only started with 1/4 the amount. I just recently changed my RODI filters when I seen this stuff showing up. TDS is reading 0 now. Im not sure what my phosphates read but my Nitrates on my API kit show like 80ppm+. So I took some water to Aqua Pros and they tested it below 20ppm!! not sure why.. I took some of there water and it tested around 0ppm on my kit at home.

Does not really look like GHA, is it a start to Dinos? Possibly Brown Hair Algae.. Do Diatoms have bubbles in them sometimes? I will try to get better pictures today if I have a chance..

Looks like green cyanobacteria, try to manually remove as much as you can and increase flow in this area.
It does not produce it, but being a thick mat covering sand it catches either oxygen or other gas coming out of sand . Plenty of pictures of cyano with bubbles. Dinos are brown, stringy , almost impossible to get rid of. Never saw green dinos.
Ye this stuff sucks.. It kinda looks like that crap on reef cleaners. Well I have stopped feeding any frozen food, feed every other day now. Going to do a big water change Saturday and siphon all that junk out..
Thanks Gary
When ever I run into any kind of algae problem, I do water changes a lil more often (weekly) and switch back and forward between carbon and phosphate media.....and it gets rid of whatever algae ....keep phosphates and nitrates LOW....
Ye that is my problem, Nitrates.. My test keeps reading around 60.. So I slowly started bio pellets, but no results yet, but gonna just wait and see what happens.. My phos tested low but maybe because this algae is eating it up. not sure..
We'll i went ahead and dosed chemiclean. Didn't really want to but looks like it killed off all that crap. I dose yesterday. I turned my skimmer off and removed the carbon. Today water is crystal clear and sand looks white again. Torch seems to be the only one effected.

When do you guys recommend to put the carbon back in, skimmer on and water change?