What are good clean up crews besides hermit crabs


Well-known member
So since i added sand in my 28g I'm tryin to find good clean up crews to help keep the sand clean.

So far i have three nas snails, 1 blood shrimp, 1 emerald crab, 2 small serpent stars..

let me knw what clean up crews u guys use for ur sand
I hate hermits. For your tank I would add one fighting conch, 8 astreas, 1 turbo, and 4 more nass snails.
Turbos, Fighting Conch, Ceriths (Dwarf and Florida), Emerald crabs, a few hermits but I won't get more when they die.
I have almost the same thing that others have suggested. The turbo snails are great and I love my fighting conch. He is so active.

This thread reminded me that I need some more Nas Snails and I think it is time I get my sand sifting star.
Turbos, Fighting Conch, Ceriths (Dwarf and Florida), Emerald crabs, a few hermits but I won't get more when they die.

How has your experience been with emeralds? I wanted to get one for my 46gal mixed reef but I have heard they can attack coral so I decided against it...
nassarius snails are great for the sand. beware of sand sifting stars. they'll decimate your pod population in a short time and likely will eventually starve beneath, not a big fan of them