what coral is this zoathinds ?


What's wrong with this zoa's ?

Hello everyone I got this from this one guy he told me they war fairy dust I have searched them but I haven seen any like this they look super swollen I think ther normal ? Because they are multiplying like crazy I only have had them for 3 weeks and they already have 6 lil heads coming out is this normal need your opinion thanks
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When I fist got them they war more swollen now that I put them under my t5's they have gone down a bit they do have some bright orange dust on top
Cant tell bad pic but yea stalks look little swollen and heads look little small. But cant tell what they r cause i cant c color
My buddy had some that were called gold dust kinda looked like that with all lights on but when u hit just blues thats when u seen the dust it was like bling bling baby
They do look like the gold dust paly in the third pic. The first two look like the one I'm having a prob with right now over growing on everything.