What Coral Likes EXTREMELY High Flow


New member
I'm talking MP40 6" from it pointing right at it. I have this one area in my rockscape where I can't keep anything because of the extremely high flow.

Any ideas of what I can keep there?
My Encrusting Montis didn't do well in that spot. I do have a Milli close, but I have this thing running at 90% and it seems to just "scare" anything close to it.
Most efflos do very well under High flow,mine was 5-6inches away from a Tunze 6201 when i had my 150g reef.
Most efflos do very well under High flow,mine was 5-6inches away from a Tunze 6201 when i had my 150g reef.

I was thinking Efflo but didn't want to sacrifice such a nice coral until I got some confirmation. Thanks!
In a 90g with SPS you will need 2. If all you have is LPS/Softies you could get away with a single MP40 and an MP10.

If cost is a factor I guess a 10 would work in place of a 2nd 40, but two 40s would be better, you get a wider more gentle flow from the 40 than a 10, which you soft and Lps corals will appreciate. You don't have to max the pump out for it to do it's job.