What did u get at the Christmas Party?!


Well-known member
Just want to see what everyone was able to get at christmas party. I'll go first..

It was a very productive day buying for me yesterday.. Lol just wanna say thank u reefwise, erik(TL), matt(mmiller), jay(jayjigga), frostjay, chicago reefs, and windycityreefs

Heres all that i got lol


Got 3 ora tiger gobies
6 cerith snails
5 nassarius snails
Bubble tip anemone(erik)
WCR watermelon chalice
Organism palys(mmiller)
Pistol shrimp (jay)

I bought a frag with blue polyps and purple tip euphyllia.

I also won the BB Rainbow Acro in the white elephant. Does anyone have any info on that? I can't find "bb" searching the Net.
ok here we go
i got a yellow eye kole tang(RW)
white/green birdsnest (White elephant)
lots of monti caps (maidai)
xenia (herbie)
some z's and p's (White elephant)
Cloves (ADOG)
2 more peices of sps? (White elephant0
Cheato (Herbie, m.miller, and lots of other people)
13 nasteras snails (RW)
13 blue legged crabs (RW)
I bought a frag with blue polyps and purple tip euphyllia.

I also won the BB Rainbow Acro in the white elephant. Does anyone have any info on that? I can't find "bb" searching the Net.

"BB" might be the person who brought it, not necessarily a "linage name" or such.
I had a blast and came home with a ton of stuff. I have to try to remember all the names, but best of all was the Tayolr Swift cd compliments of Walt in the raffle. lol
they call me rayito de sol :P

its actually jealousy talking, my reef budget for december was a big fat 0, work schedule was so bad i had no secret stash to buy corals with. i want to see what people got so start post pics!
I bought a frag with blue polyps and purple tip euphyllia.

I also won the BB Rainbow Acro in the white elephant. Does anyone have any info on that? I can't find "bb" searching the Net.

It's from BennyBlanco. He has pics of it in his past posts
Bought court jester goby
Dilectus dottyback
Won a zoa frag in white elephant
Also won a cool liveaquaria tshirt
Bought 3 other frags I don't member names.
Also, sorry herbie I was calling you Eric! It's not Eric its Nate! I see that, sorry for that mix up