What, if anything, do you feed your SPS?


No, I'm not a communist..
Seems like a lot of products out there that make a lot of claims. I'm wondering if folks feed their SPS and, if so, what do you feed?

I feed cyclopeeze once a week and also Ocean's Blend Coral Vibrance once a week...
I feed Rod's mostly to the tank, but I use my turkey baster to feed. I squirt enough for them to eat and won't squirt again until they eat the few chunks I feed per small squirt before any fall to the sandbed.

The cloudy water with the small particles gets softly blasted onto all corals and this has made a huge difference in my corals. All pumps are off and I envelope the entire SPS in a cloud of food. I also target feed in this manner with coral frenzy. When I am done feeding individually, I turn on the MP10s to the lowest setting for an hour or so and let everything broadcast feed. First time I did this, I saw polyp extension of an inch on some corals.



I alternate between Oyster Feast and BRS Reef Chili. Just picked up rotifeast so will add that to the mix. I feed about 3x a week at half the recommended dose.
I typically just feed rods, no target feeding. I picked up some Azox as well at MACI, been using it every couple days, but not sure I see anything "great" yet :)
anyone know where to get azox? I cant take a trip out to mcf anytime soon.But do any of you guys know where to buy it online.
anyone know where to get azox? I cant take a trip out to mcf anytime soon.But do any of you guys know where to buy it online.

Reefwise also sells it for $20. I fed last night and the tank seemed to like it.

After I fed though, there were things swimming all over my tank. They looked like newly hatched fish!! I don't think my clowns laid eggs, but these things looked like fish fry with yolk sacs. Maybe they were shrimplets....but the tank was going nuts. Everything was gobbling them up and having a field day. I have no idea where they came from.
I feed my reef tank phyto, oysters, masago, & mysis. I have a mixture of sps, lps, clams, and zoas. All of them are thriving.
So I used the azoo today and it looked like just a bunch of dead pods in water. Not so sure of this for the $. You could get a pack of Ova for cheaper (and last longer). Skepticle, but we'll see.
So I used the azoo today and it looked like just a bunch of dead pods in water. Not so sure of this for the $. You could get a pack of Ova for cheaper (and last longer). Skepticle, but we'll see.

I'm not so convinced yet either, but it's just the second day for me. It's similar to the cloudy water from Rod's when I feed my fish.

One thing I did not like though is that when I shook the bottle, the liquid was sprinkling out due to the pump head. I had Azox sprinkles all over my arm and hand.
Why spend all this money on "coral food"? Just feed your fish frozen, meaty stuff. All the crap in the jar, where I thaw the frozen food, the tiny particles all feed the corals. I personally think that feeding corals any specific "coral food" is a large chunk of bullsh!t.