What If ???

Renegade Reefer

New member
I'm wondering what your dream tank would be if you had no limit on funds.
I know there's so many options, but let's here some realistic ideas?

I'll go first. I would have a custom round cylinder tank built about 30' in diameter and 8-10 ft. in depth. The center of the tank would be hollow in the center about 8 ft in diameter, kinda like a huge donut. Something that could be viewed 360 degrees. Of coarse it would have to have access to get to the center from either from above or below.
It would definatly be something I could dive into and swim in just for the heck of it. My own scuba paradise.LOL
Equipment would be something public aquariums use for sure. Skimmer,light,pumps, ect.
18ft diameter cylinder tank from the floor to the celing of my living room. Blacktip Reef Sharks and stingrays for livestock. Enormous fish room with 3k-5k sump filled with liverock, huge fluidized sandbed filter, enormous skimmer. Water changes automated.
A phone booth tank! Lol jk. I like the cylinder tank from floor to ceiling. But I would do fowlr with fake coral. I really like color and movement so a bunch of different kinds of school would b in there. Basement fish room with everything automated.
I'd have a beach tank. Imagine a slice of round cheese, starting thin on one end and getting fat at the back. Yeah, that. Eight feet deep at the far end, 0 inches deep at the beginning, 30 feet long, and twelve feet wide. The scape would be a DSB with a large pile of rocks in the middle with more than 3' from the glass on each size. 1000W halides (They make those, right?) over the deep end and 150W halides over the shallow end. When I own an LFS, this will be my display in a multi-level store. Fun. :)
Mine would be in my dining room and it would cover an entire wall 12' high , 20' long , so every time i would sit down i would be eating with my fish. The tank would be a full blown reef , sea turtle and all!!!
I would love a tank that was shaped like a right triangle. Being 0 inches deep at the stat and 8 feet deep at the end. Except i would have a four foot wide path starting at the shallow end and ending halfway in to the tank, at that point the path would open to a room that was fully enclosed with acrylic and a clear floor too, suspended above the bottom by 1' and with 1' of water above it. The room inside the tank would be 100 sq feet so that i could have a bed in it and make it my bedroom. I would have the tank stocked with black tip reef sharks, cownose rays, thousands of hippo, kole, yellow, sailfin tangs etc, along damsels, butterfly, and even a couple parrots to make it a true ecosystem tank!!!
Mine will be walls made of glass with each side being dedicated for something. This room will have to be centered in the house to see all 4 walls from the outside. One side will be jellyfish, community SW fish, corals and fish that are a must have :D All my equipment will be located downstairs making it “KISS” friendly. Water changes will be so easy to do with a touch of a button…

Final, inside this room will be a message recliner made of leather that you can rotate 360 with a touch of a joy stick. Enjoy a bottle of wine with a cigar. No TV or internet allowed in this room!!!
I knew I should have finished the title "what if you won the lottery"? LOL
Those are great ideas from everyone.

I would try and use natural lighting, such as a sky dome that would open and close for those nice sunny days. Of coarse being sealed from the ouside with some starfire glass panes with an automatic washer and automatic sqeegee.
If I only had won, well try and try again they say.....LOL
If I won the lottery I would buy a nice small ranch house about 1900sq ft but in my basement I would have a 20ft long 6ft wide 6 ft high shark tank. Because I am the person who loves swimming with sharks they will be leopard sharks since they are legal to have over 3ft long and maybe a couple bonnet heads. In the entrance to the basement will be an archway reef. Like the above post no tv or internet will be in here. I will however have a wet bar though. With. Sitting room.