What is this coral worth. Need help


New member
I am looking to sell this coral and looking to get thoughts on price.

Give me your thoughts it is over 15"

Just want to change up my tank

Go with Frosty's suggestion. You'll never get what you think a large leather is worth & very few will buy it like that. I'm setting up my frag tank again & am gonna be fragging up several of my Tyree green-polyped toadstools.
If you try to frag it make sure you are prepared. Leathers can be a mess.
Puffer is correct . Very few people are looking for big leathers.
Price is such a relative term. The guys willing to put out a 100 bucks aren't buying leathers. They are buying higher end pieces.

This is a good start up your tank and get something alive in it piece. You'll be far better off cutting down to 10 buck chunks for newbees.