What is this LPS ? I THINK Birdsnest ?


Premium member
I bought this at old towne Aquarium in Chicago a month ago, and it grew BIG time, I had to split it...
i think they called it Birdsnest

what is it, I want to sell some of it ?

I believe it is Sinularia, which is also known as finger leather coral. Looks like you have the neon variety.

Birdsnest is an sps coral.
Yup what DD says it's a Sinularia and get a real nice Neon Green why are you selling it? IMO i would keep it you can frag pieces here and there if you need to trim it down... I have the same one and it's doing very well
I have several more larger pieces.... how do I frag this one ?
just use sterile knife and slice away ?