What is your oldest fish?


New member
I was looking at some pictures and started to think about how old my royal gramma is now. This is Trooper and I've had him for right around 7-8 years now! I call him tropper because I actually had to suck all of the water out of my tank when I was moving and pick him up with my hands to get him out. Tough little SOB!



So who is your oldest fish?

I have a pictus catfish in my turtle tank that is at least 7+ years old...and it's extra impressive because he lives in shitty water conditions...literally!
I have my pair of semi-picasso clowns that were my first fish added when I got back into the hobby in 2008
Oldest fish I personally have kept, and knock on wood still alive is a lake Malawi African cichlid. He was one of the first 6 assorted I got in 2003, still kickin it 8+ years later, a LOT of cichlids have come and gone in his lifetime...
I have a pair of captive bred clownfish that I purchased from Matt Pederson in 2007. They were just 73 days old when I purchased them. It was fun to watch them grow.
I have a freshwater angel that's 8+ years and still going strong and I had a snowflake eel for over 12 years but it not with me anymore and my 2 clowns I've had since 7-09