what light would you suggest?


Well-known member
for a 35 gallon hex tank that is 24 inch deep

one like this

for mushrooms, fish, frogspawn, green star polyps, and zoa's

led, t5, metal halide?

I want to buy one and have it be good enough and penetrate to the bottom

4 Bulb T5 with individual (or at least individually contoured) reflectors (PM Trackfast), a 150w Halide, or an LED fixture with 60-70 degree optics.
I would look into the Ecoxotic PAR38 LED bulbs. Two of those, about the same cost as one of any of the others, and you're set. How wide is it?
Either a 250w halide or leds with narrow lenses. the t5 will not be enough output due to the dimensions of the tank.
Each bulb is covers a 12" section for the ecoxotic PAR 38 bulbs. You could keep just about anything in there. For Just over $100 a pop, you're in $200 roughly and can plug them into any standard light fixture.
AI is an awesome fixture, I agree. But for half the cost you'll get awesome results. And because they fit in any fixture, you can always add without worrying about another massive investment. I know a couple friends who have them on track lighting.
If you do get an AI fixture, be ready to supplement with purple T5. Keep an eye on the Reef Central equipment forum. People are dropping those fixtures daily due to lack of spectrum now that they have seen quality RGB fixtures.

I HATE to recommend Orphek products because of their marketing/shilling scheme but their newest line of PAR38 bulbs are very nice. 24w and include UV.
I'm not talking about Orphek, I'm talking about ecoxotic. Their fixtures make Orphek look like a coralife, lol.
I'm not talking about Orphek, I'm talking about ecoxotic. Their fixtures make Orphek look like a coralife, lol.

I agree, however Ecoxotic is FAR from the best LED fixture on the market. They do make nice stuff though, and modular is always fun.
I just ordered 2 of their 24" for my 55. Par readings are awesome for it. And fully customizeable. For the price, you really can't get any better.

And their LED individual bulbs are almost perfect for hexagons like this. Deep penetrating light, narrow beams, and for the price, not having to replace bulbs, its awesome.
Sorry, not trying to sound like a marketing agent for them, but I just spent a couple weeks doing nothing but research over all types of lighting, and I fell in love, lol.
I only have experience with the ecoxotic stunner's and am very pleased with them. I would agree, best bang for the buck.
Ecoxotic's website has them. It's a little hard to find, but its there. I personally have no experience with the Orphek, but all I hear is how dim and innefective they are. Not only here but on reviews on multiple sites.