What would u like to see in LFS?


Active member
So I have the amazing opportunity to help a LFS with building a product list of dry goods to carry.

My question to u is this.

What would you like to see a LFS carry that most Chicago stores don't offer right now?
you dont have to rape me on it. ive seen lots of nems for waaay more than anyone in the right mind would pay. so they sell them to some noob looking for a home for his nemo for 180$. ive paid 40-70$ for nems and felt good about it. but they were worth it. it needs to pretty special to put a triple digit price tag on it
Stuff that is not marked up to ridiculous prices.....

But more specifically....

Tropic Marin salt and additives
Red Slime Remover
Good Heaters
Filter Socks
loc-line speciality plumbing parts and diamond hole saws. Oh and overflow boxes in storeso you can accurately measure them.
Oops. lol

It'd be potentially expensive, but I'd love to see displays with the different major LED lights over tanks. There's gotta be a way to get the manufacturers on board with it....
Keep em coming.

Some things will be a no go for a while for sure as we're trying to start with a more basic list. Then move into all the little things like bulkheads locline etc. Focusing more on chemicals, foods, filtration. But everything will be noted for future ideas.

Would be really hard to get manufactures on board as most are big enough they wouldn't worry about 1 unit for a comparison. But I do like the idea.

If there are any local manufactures with innovative things they are trying to sell feel free to email me and we might be able to sell locally built product on the shelves.
