What zoooo is this. (Help ID)


New member
As title says. And about price point. Purple PE??

Sent from my Russian submarine
Yes they have a slight green mouth. What's the price on them about?

Sent from my Russian submarine

$2,000 pp!

Honestly not sure. I never look at price of my zoas. If I like them, I buy them. I'm generally not too concerned with a name either. I have over 45 flavors of zoo and I can probably only tell you a name on half of them.
$2,000 pp!

Honestly not sure. I never look at price of my zoas. If I like them, I buy them. I'm generally not too concerned with a name either. I have over 45 flavors of zoo and I can probably only tell you a name on half of them.

Do you have any that look like this???

If so lemme get it!!!

Sent from my Russian submarine