Whats everyone using as a CUC?


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As the title states. What are You all using for your clean up crew?

I'd love to see the different species people have and why you use them, even If they just look nice
I have turbos, Trochus, margarita snails. The turbos eat up algae the best but are big and can’t get everywhere so that’s why I have the smaller snails. I use fighting conchs on the sandbed. I also use a wide variety of hermits big and small. I’m going to look to add more types of inverts in my new build to get more diversity.
Not much of anything. My pink face wrasse makes sure I’m cleanup crewless.

I have a couple of big turbo snails that don’t get eaten and I have a pretty large pink pincushion urchin. Last week I cut a big piece off of an acro and dropped it in my rock work. I wrote it off as gone forever. Yesterday, it was front and center on my sandbed. Thank you urchin!
Nassarius snails look cool and are great for the sand. However, my favorite is trochus. I also have hermit crabs, but they always seem more interested in attacking each other than scavenging.
Cerith, nerite, and nassarius snails and a mix of hermits(white, thin leg, scarlet, blue leg, electric blue) about every 3 months or so the larger hermits have spawn so it’s interesting to see at night. Have about 200 snails a majority being ceriths. Have about 20-30 hermits in a Red Sea reefer 625XXL. My wrasses dwindle down my ceriths so I’ll be ordering some more soon.
Ceriths and nerites are the main, then nassarius for the feeding time clean up along with small hermits got 1 orange trochus. Then, a cucumber for to help the nas and ceriths with sand clean up
I use trochus, nassarius, Mexican turbo, cleaner shrimp and one more snail that I don’t know the name of.
I have a few ceriths, dwarf ceriths, nassarius and one turbo I move back and forth between the display and fuge as needed. Also have a cleaner shrimp and a couple small hermits. I think I saw a bumble bee snail the other day but I haven't added any in at least 3 years so was a little confused haha