What's in your fish library?


Premium member
After writing this up in a PM, I thought I'd share my library and thoughts on the books in it. It's not often this set lets me down in containing the info I need at any given time.

What do you have in your library and how do you like them?

Fish Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment (Sec Edtn): Noga $$$$$$ big dollar and don't recommend unless you have a good microscope
The Reef Aquarium: A Comprehensive Guide (Volume 1-3): Sprung - excellent series, #3 is most expensive but a great single purchase
The Modern Coral Reef Aquarium (Volume 1-4): Fossa - IMO, the best series I have.
Book of Coral Propagation (volume 1 Edtn 2): Calfo - good read
C the Journal of Aquatic Science (Volume 1 Edtn 1-4): Calfo - not worth the purchase
C the Journal of Aquatic Science (Volume 2 Edtn 1): Calfo - not worth the purchase
Aquarium Corals : Selection, Husbandry, and Natural History: Borneman - ok
The Conscientious Marine Aquarist (Sec Edtn): Fenner - great read
Aquarium Fish : Mills - ok
Captive Seawater Fishes: Science and Technology : Spotte - ok
Seawater Aquariums: The Captive Environment : Spotte - ok
Pocket Guide to Marine Fishes : Scott - ok
Reef Fishes Volume 1 : Scott -great read, perfect series to research fish you want to purchase
Angelfishes & Butterflyfishes: Reef Fishes Series : Scott -great read, perfect series to research fish you want to purchase
Damselfishes & Anemonefishes (Reef Fishes) : Scott -great read, perfect series to research fish you want to purchase
Wrasses & Parrotfishes : Scott -great read, perfect series to research fish you want to purchase
Basslets, Dottybacks and Hawkfishes : Scott -great read, perfect series to research fish you want to purchase
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater : Greenberg - not recommended unless you're a chemist
Coral: Magazine - not worth the cost IMO unless you like pictures.
I'll add a little more to this. I only paid market value for a couple of these books. For example the Fosa four series collection is around $200 currently, but by taking time and watching ebay I was able to pick up 2 or 3 of them for $20-25 each. Sprung's #3 and Noga's are the exceptions. Sprung's #3 used still goes for a good price and Noga's is a college text.
Haha glad i could start a convo

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I know there's been atleast one thread on the topic in the past, but it's been quite a while.

A good recourse is amazon book preview. Scott's fish species books are in there and easy to key word search. Still like having them on the shelf, to sit and flip through when considering new fish species.