What's killing my frogspawn


New member
Woke up this morning to the stem of my frogspawn halfway missing. Would this be from the Pencil urchin ? I've never had a problem with him before.
Any thoughts would be great

It could be. It looks like it might've been that way already though. You sure it wasn't like that? Also, does the missing part have a head on it?
I know it wasn't like that, whether it was last couple days and I didn't notice till this morning, but wasn't always like that. It was 3 headed but the head you see missing in the picture has been gone for months. Just the stem, anything else that would do something like this? I'm just assuming its the pencil urchin because its been next to it for a while
Yea I don't think it was the Urchin but you never know. Maybe the branch was rotted and a snail or crab climbed it and it snapped off. I don't think you have much to worry either way.
is it just retracted all the way into the skeleton? give it a day and see if it comes out. I've had a hammer look dead before, but it just closed up for a couple days and eventually started peeking back out.
Any kind of flesh dmg. They really dont handle well. Keep it away from the rock too. I see that branch is kinda close. Could be the culprit.
Man. Jeni beat me to it. Ill post a picture of mine before lights turn on. You can see the dead stalks where the flow hits it. So my answer is... high flow