What's up with my elegance coral?


Hello all! I need some assistance here to ensure this coral is either agitated or about to die. I have a 12 gallon cube and last time, a brain maze coral died and it took everything with it. There are 2 hermits on it.. Makes me feel like they're ready to clean up. If someone can inform me of its condition, that would be much appreciated!!!


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A single clownfish and a pistol shrimp goby (I think the banded one). I also smelled the coral and it doesn't smell like it's dying either.
How long has coral been in your system and specific location? I assume everything else is doing fine and normal? Any recent changes in tank care? Parameters are good?
Oh man, that’s stinks.
If you haven’t already, double check all your Params to make sure nothing is off.
Check those and go from there.
I would do that before adding anything else, last thing you want is to add more livestock and the same thing happen again.