What's up with my tank?


Premium member
I really haven't changed anything in a while. Two days ago, I noticed a white patch forming on the underside of my 4X6 inch green table. It hasn't grown since I first noticed it.

My tank has been stable, I don't see any signs of pests. I'm also not really seeing great PE on a few corals, but some seem fine. My biopellets have dwindled down two a pretty low amount, and my nitrates went from undetectable to 3, but I don't really think that could be the issue. I topped off my pellets yesterday, but this issue showed up before that. I'm on kalk and only dose AcroPower. I've also had a purple stage that has STN'd over the last month or so. I think it may have been irritated by being blasted by my WP60.

Here is the pick of the underside of my table. Any ideas? Parameters below are up to date.

View attachment 4023
Alk is pretty steady between 8.0 and 8.5, usually right at 8.3. I put in 1 capful each day of AP (260-270 total volume)
I think the biopellets are thing that is killing you.

Don't think it's the bio-pellets at all. Sometimes the undersides of any Acro will die off because of lack of lighting- Your alk seems pretty stable so I wouldn't worry too much on it. I would stop dosing the AP for now just to make sure it's not causing STN, sometimes too much Nutrients can cause them to start dying off, they are basically feeding them to death.
im not a pro by any means but could it be shadowing from leds ?

I don't think it is shadowing because the whole underside is shaded and this is one well defined area of die-off.

I don't think it is the biopellets either. My pellets have dwindled down to very little until I topped them off yesterday. My tank has shown undetectable nitrates for many months until my most recent test, when they tested 3.

The purple stag never grew very well in my tank. I had a small frag near it that started to Stn a few months ago, I cut the base of and mounted it elsewhere in the tank and now it's fine and looking good. It's funny, all three pieces that have had issues were pretty close to each other.

I'll lay off the ap for now.