What's your biggest pet peeve?


Well I had to share mine! I hate it when I'm in a fish shop and nothing or most of the fish and corals have no price listed. I have to ask a price each time. The worst part is when they give you attitude for asking! Price you products and I won't bother you!
yea no prices suck , on here id have to say the people who ask where is this city , um your on the internet , and the good old wish you were closer ...most of the time a simple question of can you meet ? or even nothing at all is better than this . drives me cray cray
yea no prices suck , on here id have to say the people who ask where is this city , um your on the internet , and the good old wish you were closer ...most of the time a simple question of can you meet ? or even nothing at all is better than this . drives me cray cray

Lmao I am the king of wish you were closer. I work 60-70+ hours a week no time to meet up and I miss out on some killer stuff because of it. My pet peeve is Chris having a pet peeve about my wish you were closer lol J/K..... Id have to say the same about prices... and the fact that some stores gouge the hell out of you.
Yea prices and when they not posted and u ask and its high price just makes for awkward situation
Yea prices and when they not posted and u ask and its high price just makes for awkward situation

Oh I hate that. I think the fish stores pet peeve is me telling them I can get that coral for half their price on the forum

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In relation to LFS: Selling mandarins to people with a bottle of pods and saying he'll be healthy and happy for years in your nano.

In General: Project Managers! 99% are worthless and just get in the way of actual progress or work being done.

Close 2nd: FemiNazi's. Don't get me started on "The Pussification of the American Male".
I agree no prices. I was at a LFS recently and I heard one of the employees ask his boss how much for a particular fish and he responded which customer was asking.
#total BS
+1 to price. It's ridiculous with today's technology, LFS can not keep inventory like every other freaking retailer out there. I know their inventory changes daily, but how hard is it to list prices? Dont they realize they are loosing alot of potential sales? When I look at an awesome frag, I may assume it's out of my price range so I dont ask. What if that frag wasnt out of my price range? Money lost.
I think some stores don't list the price, becaue their price changes depending on who's asking. If you go to them wearing nice clothes and a rolex, they give you a higher price.
A buddy of mine and his friend would go in to a popular store and ask for prices on the same piece at different times. Never was the price the same. Whoever had the lower price is the one that would purchase the coral. Such bs that to get a good price you have to play games like that.
"Not parting out at this time"

"If you part out, I'll take the......"

"I'm here to pickup my coral 2 hours late but I only want to pay half, use my credit card, didn't bring a container, would like some other stuff for free, have attitude and would like you to wash my car.................is your wife busy?"