Whats your tap water TDS?


New member
Hello everyone!

I'm new to this site and pretty new to the hobby. Just fond out about this site and really like the local aspect of it.

I wanted to find out about the tap water TDS people are getting? I bought a used RODI system online that showed 0 TDS out and ~110 in, the first time I used it. But then I took a sample to LFS to check how accurate it is. I was told its at 50, I used ziplock bag to keep the water in. I bought HM calibration fluid online and calibrated the meter on my RODI filter, it still shows 0 outgoing and incoming is around 75 TDS. I live in a condo building and Im not sure if the building has some kind of filter on its own, before water goes to each apartment. Is anyone getting numbers this low in the area? Im in Mount Prospect to be exact.
According to my TDS meter on my ro unit it says 6 going in and 0 out. I have made probably close to 300 gallons of water and my DI resin has barely changed color at all

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My RODI unit says incoming is like 40-45 while out is 0. I should probably change it more often though, although I've never seen the out ever be above 0 so I'm not sure.
I get a 2yrs or so out of the main filters, they turn brown and the output slows down.

I usually figure out the DI resin is used up when I find myself having to cleaning glass/acrylic frequently. The silicates cause diatom blooms, and eventually other algae blooms.
So for the folks living in Chicago like myself. What type of RODI would be best. I currently have 4 stage from spectrepure and I get 0 TDS I purchased it back in 2016. I am going to get one from BRS this week maybe.
should I stay at 4 or jump to 5? I just want the best water I can make. Thanks.
In the end, all the different RODI kits do the same job...

Essentially the differences (in the higher cost kits) are about reducing waste water (in turn producing clean water faster) and changes the maintenance interval (2 RO canisters and/or more DI resin means you don't have to change it as often).

Note: water pressure is also key variable. The high efficiency typically need a booster pump to be able to perform up their ability.
I get around 250-300 TDS in my water on the northwest side of the city, that’s a lot compared to everyone else I see! My RODI system is new though so I don’t know how long it will take for me to have to replace the filters.

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I'm lucky I guess....I'm in west elgin and I get about 70ppm out of the tap. DI resin lasts me a long time! My work is terrible though.....Crystal Lake has about 400-500ppm. Cant drink the water out of the tap at work!