when selling coral to people


New member
i have a quick rant about people selling coral. if your selling coral and you post a pic a "micro shot" doesnt do anything if when im more the 1/2 an inch away and the coral it is completely differant yes the micro shot is very very cool but not when your selling the coral because it doesnt look like that from behind the glass. the lights should also be normal viewing lights we all have atintics but i run other lights to so if the egg crate is blue im guessing it wont look like that under normal viewing just take a "real" pic as how most people would see it in the tank and if your tank has bugs has had bugs you think there might be a bug or anything that you dont want in your tank maybe let people know it. I dip everything but if i see them in your tank and point them out and you say oh yea i saw them what makes you think i would even take the chance? dont get mad if i walk out the door empty handed i know i said i would buy it but it wont happen the tank is expensive enough let alone the time and gas wasted for nothing. thanks for the rant but this could help people out just keep it real
im not pointing fingers here or anything like that im just saying be cool to your fellow reefers is all
As a coral propagator/seller I always trying my best to get the color of the coral in the picture as close to what I see in the tank. I always shoot under the normal lighting no BS blue light or LED (mostly blue). If I am selling to a local fish store I take pictures of the coral before I sell them to the store as the coral is closed up and I want them to see what they are getting. Also as of now I am no longer following the trend of names. A zoa is a zoa to me no matter how colorful. I am sick of trying to keep up with these BS names. I do use the macro function to take pictures, but I do not manipulate the photo in any way. I take the what you see is what you get very seriously. All most all of the coral I sell is seen in its natural habitat (my tanks) before the coral is purchased. I do not sell coral if I am having an outbreak of anything. I did have redbugs once but quickly got rid of them. I am completely free of all pests as of now and plan to keep it that way.
I really like a shot showing something for sell with something else that shows you size,color. I give a darn less what a closeup looks like since i don't stick my face 2 inches from it in my tank. The worst thing i REALLY hate is when someone takes a picture of a mother colony and tells you this is what your will look like in 5 years! sarcasm on that last phrase but all know what i mean. I like it when i look at a zoa and it's a zoa of a color i enjoy, I really don't care about the official names just that it is enjoyable to my eyes.I relize that people are trying to sell quality as in our coral sponsors that is why i look at what they have in person and am always happy with what i buy from them. Logan is a very good local person that sells his frags and his is always the tank shot with what it is next to other stuff that shows size and i have bought $100.00 of dollars of frags from him because of that.
I give a darn less what a closeup looks like since i don't stick my face 2 inches from it in my tank.

wait, you dont? whoa i need to re-evaluate this whole thing thats all i do.....
I'm just a hobbyist but occasionally I sell things to switch it up or make room and I point and click with regular lighting and that's it. I can't stand pics under actinics or leds or even worse to me is the macro shots because you'll never look into your tank and see that look so its not a true representation of the coral. I also can't stand when photoshop or any program is used to alter the image away from what the camera captures. If I look at pic and its blued out or cartoony I quite simply just won't entertain buying it at all. Now on the other hand if the pictures are for showing off or viewing then I quite enjoy macro shots and leds but for selling all I want to see is a plain picture straight through the glass. Just my two cents.
i guess i'll be the one to say it,
i love the macro (not micro) shots! and appreciate them, along with regular shots, when buying coral. love seeing that healthy polyp extension!

and also, if you want to get that kind of view from your own tank at home its very simple, just buy a ivs portal http://ivsportal.com/whatpeoplearesaying.html
I actually made my own with a plastic tupperware container and a $5 magnifying glass from the hardware store. I cut a hole out of the bottom of the container the exact size of the magnifying glass then I siliconed around the glass and it works awesome and it cost about $10. It's crude looking but it takes great pics. I used it today for the first time actually. I have a $200 Nikon L110.
I usually take a shot of whatever I have and send it I really don't care what it looks like sometimes- Most folks know what it looks like so why waste time trying to get that Macro shot- I've tried marco shots before but for what- showing the whole thing is better than a close up to me.
I really like a shot showing something for sell with something else that shows you size,color. I give a darn less what a closeup looks like since i don't stick my face 2 inches from it in my tank. The worst thing i REALLY hate is when someone takes a picture of a mother colony and tells you this is what your will look like in 5 years! sarcasm on that last phrase but all know what i mean. I like it when i look at a zoa and it's a zoa of a color i enjoy, I really don't care about the official names just that it is enjoyable to my eyes.I relize that people are trying to sell quality as in our coral sponsors that is why i look at what they have in person and am always happy with what i buy from them. Logan is a very good local person that sells his frags and his is always the tank shot with what it is next to other stuff that shows size and i have bought $100.00 of dollars of frags from him because of that.

I have to tell ya, I got this great green monti from this dood at the drag swap. There were no B.S. about him. I should refer you to this guy. He's the knees bees! :p
I bought a purple rim cap once. Want to know what I got? You guessed it, a white rim! I won't buy if it's shown under actinics now. I would like both macro and reg. pics. I like macro because you can really tell how healthy the frag is....