When to "start over"?


New member
Hey Everyone,
I was traveling A LOT for work over the last 6 months and my tank has been severely neglected. I had the help of friends and family while gone, but I believe over feeding and lack of water changes while gone has left me with a massive hair algae outbreak. I've spent the last several weeks trying to clean up and do aggressive water changes, but the stuff is just everywhere and growing fast. I'm down to live rock, a mini carpet nem, and my fish.

I am moving in 2 months (not far) and will be breaking down the tank to do so. Because of this, I'm wondering if I should just put my fish in a temp tank and "cook" my liverock to try to get rid of the algae and phosphates. (I've read of people putting all their live rock in buckets with a heater and circulation pump, away from all light, doing weekly water changes to eliminate phosphates).

I guess I'm looking for opinions on if I should keep fighting the battle, or start over. I feel that things have gotten too out of control. Also, if anyone has had success with the "cooking" technique.
I think you are in a good position to start over since you have to break down the tank anyway. I would use a temp tank for the fish and the nem. I would also scrub the rocks and then put them into tubs with a circulation pump, heater but no lights. I would let the HA break down to keep the rock live and do one quick rinse in SW before putting it into your tank. I'm sure others have more tips. GL
U could also bleach the rock for a day then let them dry for 2-3 days. After that u could start to cook the rock but if u want to take it farther to clean the rock, u could dip the rock in acid. Then cook.

That is what I did and it really helped getting phosphates out of the rock. I let them sit in the acid for 20-30 minutes I think

If u decide on the acid remember always wear gloves and glasses for safety. Also read up on it first.

U could also bleach the rock for a day then let them dry for 2-3 days. After that u could start to cook the rock but if u want to take it farther to clean the rock, u could dip the rock in acid. Then cook.

That is what I did and it really helped getting phosphates out of the rock. I let them sit in the acid for 20-30 minutes I think

If u decide on the acid remember always wear gloves and glasses for safety. Also read up on it first.


And your rock will shrink
I agree with trackfast....if you want to keep the rock "alive" than the best way is as mentioned...scrub it down with a toothbrush, rinse in fresh SW and then place in container with heater, powerhead and with no lighting...
do two 25% WCs a week or one 50% weekly....if you have a canister filter, I'd run carbon and GFO as well because as the HA dies off, it will release all the phosphates it consumed back into the water column.....
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The advantage of etching (in acid) is if done properly it strips away the top 1-2mm (rock will not "shrink" in any meaningful way) and, as a result, you have no phosphate fears later.

All other methods more risky.

I would never bleach rock after reading for months. It can be done, but much, much more hassle with none of the benefits.

Acid bath for a day, soak for a day. Then into tank to cycle.

But read! No recommend my thread on other board.... Perfect details. Maybe I will separate out into a "how to".
Cooking the rock that way will keep the rock alive but will take much more time and work imo. If u have the time and patience to do it. It's good but if ur just gonna start over anyway, y not just get as much phosphate out of the rock as possible to avoid future problems.
I would move the fish and corals to a temp location. Clean off rock best you can and use a more than recommended amount of GFO. I know it was said already ,but I did this when I first got in the hobby----rookie mistake. Accidently put GFO in both side of BRS reactor and Algae melted away---but so did some awesome corals. Good luck.
I wouldn't cook the rock. Put the fish elsewhere and keep the lights off of the rock tank, scrub the rock in a bin with water from your tank.
When to "start over"?

When I moved my tank last I had algae and dipped the rock in hydrogen peroxide 1/3 ratio to SW. It killed all of the remaining algae. After manual removal. Dip for 10min. Some rock had coral and they survived too.