Where can I buy Caribsea Arag-Alive Special Grade Reef Sand 10 lb?


Premium member
Does anyone know which LFS in Chicago near downtown carries Caribsea Arag-Alive Special Grade Reef Sand 10 lb? Went to Golden Triangle but they didn't have. Went to Old Orchard Aquarium and they didn't have any. I called LivingSea but the guy didn't know what I was talking about....
Aquascape Chicago has an assortment of colors, but only twenty pound bags. But it is only a buck a pound, that's the price of dry sand T most places.
We stock the 20lb bags of the reef and oolitic grade live sand if you are willing to go up in quantity from the 10lb bag.
Darn. I really wanted to buy local so I dont have to pay $10 shipping. Seems like most places carry only 20 lbs. I guess I will just place a big order of stuff on Marine Depot to offset the $10 shipping. If it's a buck a lb local, it's about the same since this is for a 12 gallon tank, and I will be throwing away the excess.
hey ninja, there is a LFS on HArlem and Madison in oak park.

Here is their website..... http://www.oakparknaturalpetandfish.com/cgi-bin/index2.pl

That is where I got my bags. I picked up a 10 Lb and a 20 Lb bag there a few months ago. I would give them a call. They were reasonably priced but the best thing was they looked fresh to me. Plenty of water in the bags with the livesand. I went to petco and their bags were all dry. This place may have just gotten a fresh shipment or something but they were great bags of livesand.

All of their media and chemicals were reasonably priced too.
I just got 50lb for my dsb from ebay it is the second time I have bought from him. $0.87 lb free shipping and pure aragonite.