Where to buy salt?


Active member
Anybody know where in Chicago you can find the best deal for salt? My bucket of tropic marin just ran out.

I got it from Bill a while back. Anybody know him? Hes the guy with the fish store in his basement?:D
Drsfosterandsmith.com has a sale going on right now, with a $8 shipping fee on all products(except live). You should check their prices out also.
Bill has a great setup in the basement. Henactually have gone away from selling corals and supplies to diy LEDs. Still selling salt though.
He has switched out all his MH to LEDs and in his house.

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Can someone confirm the number I kinda wanna try some diy LEDs for my 29 gallon tank unless someone is willing to help me by telling me wat I need for diy
Mr. Z,
the pm i sent is the number i use to get a hold of him. it is his cell phone, leave a message as he is a pilot and will return your call as soon as he has a chance. Did the web site work?
hey guys. theres a place on craigslist that runs a wholesale bussiness, global aquatic importers. Im sure some of you know of them, but they have 200 gal. boxes of reef crystals for $57.let me know if some one wants his contact info. hesup in wood dale.