where to get custom cube

hi contacted great lakes aquariums and they cant make the tank i want to , so my quation is where i can get custom tank as closes to chicago ty guys????
Are looking for glass or acrylic tank? If acrylic ,I know a place that will build you any tank you want.Let me know.
i would like to go glass i hate acrylic as a tank! ty mm reef hm and the head start to hurt? i think if im not gonna be able to get 28x28x22 glas cube i will have to go with 60g cube!

hey mm crazy would you go with acrylic in your tank , does the tank get scraches easy????
Acrylic scratches very easily so you need to be extra careful.I would consider acrylic if it was a large tank,or if you go bare bottom,no sand, less chance scratching it.
I've heard more bad than good for glasscages acrylic tanks. Haven't really seen much on their glass, but for the most part, people are pretty sour on them.

start looking at craigslist every day, there's always something on there.
please post where your getting quotes as i have been looking for a new build to replace my current set up
Acrylic does not suck. you just have to use the correct materials to clean it. I've bought a few acrylic aquariums, used, I buffed them out myself and got rid of the scratches. You can't do that with glass.

I agree acrylic defiantly has its place. It is super clear so it makes for some awesome viewing/ photo taking. I personally wouldn't want it with kids cause they do help me with my tanks and would scratch it up for sure.

Also if you want a super DIY project I know folks who have bought the glass cut and built there own tanks. It has turned out great for them and they saved a lot of money and it exactly what they wanted.
so i get couple quotes on custom glass tank 28x28x22 the too much pricy-- 695$, over 1000$ im waiting for one more company will call me today if its too much i will go with 60g cube cause 70g cube by perfecto 30x30x18 seems to be shalow for me what do you guys think ????? maybe you hava some other ideas besides acrylic i dont want to go plastic
18 is not too shallow, but it will look like it on that tank because it is so thick. some of the best setups ive seen have been those deep tanks though.....
What light will you use and what corals are you primarily interested in keeping? These are 2 big factors if 18" is good for you or not.

Overall a perfecto 70 cube is pretty much two standard 29g tanks stacked front to back. Lots of real estate and aquascaping options with that much room.
diy leds
first i have to get tank so i can work on lights leds mostly sps chalicec, acans zoas, no soft at all help me guys made my decision ???