Which anenomes make good hosts?

naturally they would prefer a ritteri, but since that is prolly one of if not the most demanding nem. a bta will suffice, but is not a guaranteed host like the ritteri. or if you have a deep sand bed you could get a carpet nem, but they are known to eat fish, even tangs or their host clowns
This is going to be a very interesting topic.. Tagging along

But from my experience, you might have to train in a critter box. Also not sure if it makes a difference on what type of BTA you get or Clowns. But some are just born with a brain and know that’s home..lol!!
Are they wild caught? If so there is a greater chance they will host. Like Erik said be carefull with the carpet anemone , I had one that ate its OCC perc host.
I have an older pair of occelaris that have hosted on everything from nothing to the corner return duckbill to my mag float. After about 9 months they finally started living in my pom pom xenia, but they have always completely ignored my BTA (I tried flashlight training, herding and showing them video). At the swap I bought a tiny pair of Ocellaris from Booyah. They immediately started hosting in a zoa patch when they landed in he tank. I used an acrylic pointing stick to herd them to the BTA and then I waved it at them every ttime they left for about 2 minutes. The larger one has not left the nem since and the smaller one stays right by waiting for his chance to snuggle. My very unscientific opinion is that the husbandry of the fish matters a lot, but they are definitely unpredictable little buggers.
I had a tank raised that refused to host anything. I tried the pictures idea, the strainer idea too. Tried with frogspawn and 2 different BTA.

When I got the 150 I put in a wild caught one that was a little bigger. It hosted a carpet nem that night. Then I added a larger carpet and it hosted that. When I added the TR with the tank it instantly began hosting with the wild caught. Like instantly within 2-3min.

I also added a riteri which the larger clown left the carpet for, however the riteri would do fine, but as soon as the clown would host it would try to hide. Eventually the riteri didn't make it due to constantly going under rocks to get away from the clown. They both again host my carpet which when open is over. A foot wide. Never eaten any of my fish. I also do not have a DSB, in fact at night when it's just moonlights on, u can see light near the foot from the fuge light under the tank. The carpet has not moved in months and is doing great.
Your best bet is to research which anemones are hosted naturally in nature by the clown species. My research showed that the RBTA i had was hosted naturally by a few types. I chose a Gold Stripped Maroon and within three day's the clown hosted it. No training required.

This is all closed up. In the pic u can see the orange light showing. It's literally the foot lit up this color. And like I said. It hasn't moved in months and is doing very well.
I have 2 black and whites that will host anything in the tank green frilly mushrooms, frogspawn, hammer. I also have a Ocellaris that is the same way. My maroon hosted a bubble tip anemone but it didnt make the move to the 125 and now he will not host anything. The clarki I have loves his huge LTA with out a deep sand bed. Yes these guys are all in the same tank. I have only lost one clown and that was the other Ocellaris he went to find his father and ended up on the hardwood.
Poor nemo!

The 1st carpet It was hosting was bleached with no color what so ever. nd it attached to the glass in the sand as well. The guy who had it said it had 1 150w mh on the right side of a 90. The carpet was in the sand on the left side with no light for 9 months.

Luckily I nursed it back and sold it. From what I've been told its almost fully colored up already.
My blue haddon is beautiful, but is a fish eater. So far it's had a hogfish, clown tang,and the male akindynos clown that was hosting in it :( I'm always fearful of the next fish to get eaten. As is usual in this hobby, it's the most expensive ones. The blue damsel just cruises right by...