Which LFS quarantines their fish?


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Which LFS quarantines thier fish before putting it out for sale? And would you trust them to just add the fish to your display tank?
New fish kinda does .. Not 100% qt though .. They just observe fish for ailments for sometime

And i think diversden does too

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None ive gotten ich from all of them . Its a crap shoot at any of them . All the ones just mentioned ive gotten sick fish not saying they arent good lfs just saying with out qt of your own u risking it
No lfs runs a full qt. best way to b sure is to run ur own qt. some lfs do have some kinda of observation tank but once they go in the fish system it's pretty much a gamble if they r sick or not. IMO I wouldn't risk it. Some ppl have luck with that and some don't. I've had all my fish die cuz of 1 sick fish. I really do t want that to happen again.

Only place I would trust for qt is divers den.
imo none really do. i equate the lfs to showering at the gym, and ich is like athletes foot. reefwise uses medicated food and hypo salinity. aquapros does the same and i believe sometimes they may use copper.
IMO aqua pros does the best job in the western suburbs. I would be more comfortable buying from LFS if they offer at least 5 days guarantee but no one does. Ive purchased from Divers Den and they do offer a guarantee for their fish and I have used the guarantee because they did die within the time frame. After sending them pics they resent out more fish and all was good. Aqua Pros and Divers Den is the best for me any other LFS in the western suburbs will not be getting my $$$$$.
I would think Reefwise would QT their fish since they carry some pretty expensive fish. It would suck for them if one fish from their supplier wipes out their stock.

For those of you that QT, do you observe only or start copper right away? And for how long? If you decide to buy another fish while one is already in QT, do you start a new QT tank?
Aqua Pros always have the best guarantee policy. They always made sure I don't get screw over whenever I buy something from them. Bought a sps colony that immediately had STN, so texted Dave and he replace the sps at no cost and it is doing fine and growing in my tank now. Same with some of the fish I got from Aqua Pros. If something happened to the fish within a reasonable time frame, then they will take care of you. I can't say that for other LFS around here...
I would think Reefwise would QT their fish since they carry some pretty expensive fish. It would suck for them if one fish from their supplier wipes out their stock.

For those of you that QT, do you observe only or start copper right away? And for how long? If you decide to buy another fish while one is already in QT, do you start a new QT tank?

I was told they move their fish from one system to the next before the next shipment comes in to avoid cross contamination. I buy my fish that I want then qt for 8 weeks in copper then avoid adding any more to the qt because you will have to restart the qt process for 8 more weeks.
My quarantine process starts with 3-4 days of observation and feeding. If they start eating after this period I start with a half dosage of cuppermine and test and raise daily until I reach 0.6 - 0.7 mg/l. Maintain at that level for 3 weeks and test every 2 days.

Prazipro feedings would be great to add to this particularly during the first few days but I haven't incorporated this at home yet. I keep live rock in my QT tank and run an over sized internal filter with biomedia.

Ideally I would wait till after I'm done quarantining the first fish before buying more or have multiple tanks established for quarantining. I definitely would not recommend adding a new fish in the middle of a copper treatment.

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The previous statement about New Fish is incorrect. They do medicate many (most) fish upon arrival and during their quarantine period on a prophylactic basis. Some known sensitive fish including but not limited to leopard wrasses and angels are observed and treated as necessary but generally are not medicated.

In my opinion, prophylactic medication is great, but unless you plan to do this with every fish you add, along with a fallow period for every invertebrate, sessile and mobile, it isn't worth it (this is best practice though). All of the common marine ailments, whether parasitic, bacterial, or fungal, can be introduced on anything wet.

All of that being said. The healthiest fish I ever purchased when I lived in Chicago came from Aquapros. The least healthy fish came from Reefwise. All of the other stores were somewhere in between.
All the fish I have gotten from New Fish had been healthy and disease free. Their price is a little high since they are in the city but worth every penny for my peace of mind. The worst has to be Xzotic Aquatic. Every fish I got from them died from disease. Had to leave my nano fallow twice because of them.