which test kit would you recommend?

I use Red Sea for cal/alk/mag its a foundations kit. The sailfert for pH. I don't test phosphate or nitrates yet. Tanks is so clean I'm not gonna buy the Hanna tester til I need to. And nitrates ill jsut use Red Sea. I like this kit a lot. Get rid of Api
I have hanna checkers which are nice. They take longer, so I find myself using quick api test kits more often.
Still nice to have the checkers to get a good number.
I have SPS so I check alkalinity the most. I find that API gives me the same readings as the hanna and Red Sea ( I have all three of them ). I use Red sea for cal/mag/nitrates/phosphates testing. I don't check pH because if your house is well ventilated, and your cal/alk/mag are good, your pH should be good also.
Should be is the problem. Not that it's ever off. I still test it when I test my Cal/alk/mag just because. And ur right it should be on. I jsut noticed a slow fall in alk and cal so dumped kalk and added new to reactor.
I have used both API and Red Sea Kits in the past
Have found the Red Sea to be a bit easier to use and more accurate
It would my recommendation to you
I have SPS so I check alkalinity the most. I find that API gives me the same readings as the hanna and Red Sea ( I have all three of them ). I use Red sea for cal/mag/nitrates/phosphates testing. I don't check pH because if your house is well ventilated, and your cal/alk/mag are good, your pH should be good also.

I have used both API and Red Sea Kits in the past
Have found the Red Sea to be a bit easier to use and more accurate
It would my recommendation to you

Salifert for low-range Nitrate. (API just to see if anything shows up becasue it's cheaper.)

Salifert for Alk...IMHO the others are way to general. Salifert measures Alk by 0.1 and since I like to be at 7.5 I can't use an API which only measure by 1.0's

Hanna checker for low-range phosphates, although the margin of error doesn't even make it very reliable. If you really want an accurate PO4 reading you'll need to drop a few hundo on something commercial.

Of course, unless your into sticks, you shant need to worry too much about the low-end or detailed readings.
Used to use Elos. I liked them a lot.
Switched to Hanna Checkers for what I could. You just have to measure VERY CAREFULLY. A drop or two off can have some serious bad results.
Dana Riddle gave the thumbs up to Hanna as well. He felt they were really close to lab equip. However, customer support from Hanna is not acceptable. I'm still waiting to several requests from them I made over a month ago.
Personally, if I'm trying to confirm my PO4's are <0.03 and the manufactore's stated margin of error on the instrument is +/- 0.04, then I don't have much faith in the results. If I was using it to test higher readings then i wouldn't care. just my $0.02

Nevertheless, still the best way to test for them without dropping several hundred.