Who actually is able to keep ?


Well-known member
Who actually is able to keep yellow sps corals ( like pink lemonade for example) yellow under LEDs ??
The problem is there are not many real yellow SPS out there. Most of them are actually green and turn yellow green in high light and if not getting enough light -- turns green. Try giving more light.

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The problem is there are not many real yellow SPS out there. Most of them are actually green and turn yellow green in high light and if not getting enough light -- turns green. Try giving more light.

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Do you think pink lemonade is one of those green corals that gets yellow in highlight ?!

I have a piece that's highlighter green and I got another piece and to my amazement it's lighter green almost yellow but it's from under mh

So just thinking
More light , more yellow it becomes. I had a pink lemonade all the way on top of my rock, with about 800 PAR, it turn almost completely yellow,here is a picture of it.

[/url]sps7 by mark_mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]
Intense 10K light is how to do it. Also want to point out that a true pink lemonade has a a greenish hue and will never turn 100% true yellow.
im having a similar problem. both my sps that had a hint of yellow coralites in the lfs are now green. both were no name wild colonies though. both under high par from LEDs. my alk was also low for a bit so will see if it comes back
My tyree pink lemonade and yellow acro are grwing well under LEDs. Yellow acro is all the way at the back.. not very clear in the pic.
