Why does my clam have a beard now? (Seriously)


Just noticed this white feathery looking thing attached to my small clam. I don't know enough about clams to know whether to leave it alone or torch the entire tank. Bad video, but the thing is non reactive to poking and the clam seems happy (as a clam). I once freaked out about a frayed label string on a maricultured piece so I am hoping something like that is going on again. Thanks for the help. (It is not a feather duster or any standard HH)
hard to tell but looks like its foot to me, how long have you had it? when i got my lil clam it dropped its whole foot in the first week to grow a new one
Kinda looks like.its foot but thats pretty big compared to the size clam still very possible since its in sand look at bottom is there a foot there attatched to something or .....woupdnt it be weird of the foor were stuck to side of shell instead of in the sand somewhere
Yup, that's it's byssal threads (not technically it's foot). It looks like it's searching for a rock to grab on to to move itself. Clams can also release these threads and grow new ones in attempt to position themselves how they like. Its completely normal and maybe a little move may help him get to a position he likes.
Yea leave it be normal these usually like to attach to rock dont like sand beds tomuch so most people put a small piece of rock under for it to attach if not wanted on the rock work. Also it like good flow but not strong where it looks like its flapping in a hurricane lol. If u evere move becareful not to rip foot or it will die
in the cup I have a large rock with sand covering it. My goal was that he attach to the rock so I can easily move him in the future without disturbing him too much. He has rotated about 45 degrees since I first placed him, but he is also coming much further out. Is there anything I should be doing differently?
Just noticed this white feathery looking thing attached to my small clam. I don't know enough about clams to know whether to leave it alone or torch the entire tank. Bad video, but the thing is non reactive to poking and the clam seems happy (as a clam). I once freaked out about a frayed label string on a maricultured piece so I am hoping something like that is going on again. Thanks for the help. (It is not a feather duster or any standard HH)

ill... Sick bearded clam needs douche! Lol