Wife found 155 bow now regrets it!


New member
So fired it up about 10 weeks ago and I'm in deep! 155 bow, 2 vortech 40, 3 hydra 26, 40 g sump with RO skimmer, gfo filter, UV filter, ato. Already have fish room with 5 stage rodi system, 2 45 brutes for fresh and brew, 55g qt, 20g hospital.

Yellow tang, blue hippo, 2 swirl clowns, damsel, royal gramma, 2 bangai, 2 firefish, fire shrimp, clean up crew

Typical starter stuff, dragon eye acan, 2rbta, 1 sunburst nem, bubble, jawbreaker shroom, red planet, bleeding apple scoly, warpaint scoly, welso, few I don't remember what they are.

Thanks to all for the info that has got me this far this fast. Couldn't have done it without these communities!
Off to a great start, although some people might debate if JB's and scoly's are "starter corals" due to their prices ;) My old starter corals were nasty paly's and brown leathers, lol !

Also, I assume the wife is regretting the expense...?
Didn't mean this e were the starter that is meant those are my favorites right now. More like the frog spawn, hammer, etc
welcome ! tank is looking sweet love the jawbreaker . have you had tanks in the past ?
No , this is my first but read a lot, asked a lot of questions, and have a friend helping out. Also I have a strict regimen I stick to as far as testing and have tried to prepare for the disasters I have heard about.