Wild reef restoration


New member
Im starting a project at school that deals with growing out endangered species of corals in order to preserve the species in captivity and possibly ship the grown corals out to their natural habitats. Is anyone willing to help me out with tips on species, places to ship the corals etc, thanks.
That is a great idea and will help raise awareness. However, places ussually do not take in corals from shipments, do to the small size of the coral in the open ocean, shipping costs, shipping stress/death. Restoration effeorts are done directly in the ocean or in raceways next to the ocean using ocean water. Also, the speciese has to be endemic to the the area... ie, you can't use corals from Fiji in the caribbean.

Here is a good one in FL and demonstrates their process:

Good luck!
Good idea,but sadly this isn't an easy thing to even try to do and ric is right,there are these restoration things in effect across the world.

Would make for a good essay.
Thanks guys, i was thinking more like elkhorn and staghorn for florida reefs. Possibly some fish to. Its school sponsored so most costs are covered.