Wild's Photography


Active member
Figured I'd share some of my work in the past year. Some are from events and some are just random. Some were local, then there is a little Chicago IL, Detroit MI, Cleveland OH, Venice Beach CA, and Pheonix AZ.

Just a few I figured I'd share out of my collections.

Love to hear some thoughts









GNU Image Manipulation Program. Also known as GImp. Google it. It's like photoshop but open source.

I have some of the car pics.
wow your selective coloration work is awesome .. i started working on it in photoshop but well never got this close to goodness ..

neer knew gimp can also be used as effectively
There are things that photoshop just released like 2 yrs ago that gimp had had for 8+.

Some things may be a little more user friendly in PS. But there isn't much that gimp can't do compared to it.
There are things that photoshop just released like 2 yrs ago that gimp had had for 8+.

Some things may be a little more user friendly in PS. But there isn't much that gimp can't do compared to it.

thanks for the suggestion ill start using GIMP today :)
Thanks for all the good feedback. I might jump on later n post a few more.

I'm thinking about getting the canal printed on canvas. Like 30"x 72" crop to put on my wall behind my couch.
When u start using it. YouTube things like selective color in gimp. There are some good tutorials that will help you learn gimp really easily.
Last time I had a "model" for the car. They raced each other to sit on the hood. And ended up with a dented hood cause they both jumped on it and plopped *** first. At 110ish lbs each you wouldn't expect that kinda dent lol.