Will all type clown mate?

well you cant mate a maroon clown and an occ or true perc. but you can do a true perc and a occ, or a black clown and a normal clown, so it depends on what you want to breed
Stick with same line of clown. If you mix most likely there will be problems. Example stick with Occ and Occ or Perc with Perc.
Mixing clownfish is 50/50.. I had success with a per and an occ mixing and now they are paired but it to me changing my scape and moving to a smaller tank until they got along... Now they are an awesome pair.. It can be done but u have to be patient and keep a constant eye on the pair and be ready to separate if it doesnt work
Percula and Occelaris are the two basic types of common clownfish. "True" percs are called that because occelaris are technically look-a-likes.
They have color and other physiological differences, because they are technically two different species, but they will breed together and have viable offspring. Generally, occellaris are more orange and have very little black. Percs are a deeper organge, sometimes almost yellow color, and more black, with 10 dorsal spines, as opposed to 11 on occelaris.