Will anything eat this?


What kind of algae is this? They're long strands like hair, but in the pictures I've seen of hair algae the strands seem to be more concentrated. For the most part I have individual strands growing here and there and I'm hoping someone can tell me how to keep it in check. Also, is the purple and green on the rocks coraline starting or something else?

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several growing near each other

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This one is a little different. The picture is really bad, but the top end of this one is thicker than the bottom.


Check out the above link. I didn't see anything that resembled what you have. There are spaghetti worms that are very thin and will stick up like that, check to see if they are moving by themselves. Also the red and green is probably nuisance algae (I am assuming your tank is relatively new). The red is probably cyano starting and if your tank is anything like mine when it started it is about to get a lot worse. It will pass in time as long as you have good nutrient export (GFO, Skimmer, Water Changes), just part of starting a new tank. My coralline algae didn't start for 4+ months and has only recently been taking off (8+ months after starting). Make sure your parameters are good, magnesium is important for growing coralline algae. Be patient it takes several months for your tank to start to balance out.
Yes it's a new tank. It's been cycled about 3 months now.

I don't think they move on their own, but I'll take a closer look tomorrow.

I will be honest with you, I don't know the name, but I've had it before. It behaved like a succession species, and as long as I pruned it back a bit, it stayed very well in check, and in a couple of months, it just kind of burned itself out.