will this work with a pistol shrimp instead of a watchman ?

That is a VERY COOL fish. If you want a goby that will live with the pistol, you need to find out if this is a cave dwelling goby like the watchman are.
Bob Fenner states that Flaming Prawn Gobies do not form a symbiotic relationship with pistol shrimp. This Goby is very secretive and most owners of it report never seeing them again once they drop them in their reef. Those with smaller tanks may see it once a day but it hides most of the day.
the reason I asked as I came across it on youtube and the guy mentioned that he never sees it cuz it hides a lot... I didn't check into it but it may be a burrowing kind ... (looks like a fancy painted watchman
jay it appears that they are very small from what I can tell ... some ppl have them in tanks with pistols.. but I cant tell
Here is some food for thought on the other side spectrum. Not all species of pistol shrimp form symbiotic relationships with gobies also.

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