Wrasse for a biocube ..


Well-known member
what kind of wrasses are good for a biocube with just 2 clowns in it with cleaner shrimp

im thinking a filamentus flasher wrasse .. everywhere i read it only says 20 gallon but is this true ? would it be ok in a biocube ?
Id be worried about the wrasse snacking on the shrimp. That's the only thing holding me back from wrasses
Just read some info on it.. Requires 30 gallons and is reef safe.. Will not harm inverts..

So it should be ok from what i read but u should wait till the wrasse experts get here
ive been looking into getting a sweet wrasse for my nuvo ive had plenty of them before and the only thing holding me back is the available swim space is limited i have see one in a tank a little larger than mine but would like to hear answers as well
ive been looking into getting a sweet wrasse for my nuvo ive had plenty of them before and the only thing holding me back is the available swim space is limited i have see one in a tank a little larger than mine but would like to hear answers as well
what other wrases are you considering Chris ??

i thought filamentus is the most colorful one ..
I hear possums are shy. TL, you're super lucky to have a tanaka. Wish I could snag that baby, but Walt would probably beat me to it :p