Wrasse- Leopard


New member
I am thinking about getting a Leopard Wrass from a fellow reefer, anything i should know or consider before picking him up?

I want to QT him in a 20Gal for 4 weeks, what do i need to look for? Can i also QT other fish with him there? thoughts?

need a good deep sandbed (not crushed coral) preferably, alot of people feed them food soaed in prazi pro as they tend to have issues with internal parasites.

you might need to put a tupperware in the QT with sand, so he can bury himself at night.
How long has the other member had the wrasse for? If its been a while and the fish is fine right now, in "my" opinion, 2 weeks in QT should be plenty of time just to look the fish over and watch for anything brought on from stress. DEFINITELY provide a comfortable substrate for the wrasse to bury itself in. Personally, I don't like QT'ing more than one fish at a time from different systems since you could potentially pass something from one to the other, but that's up to you. If both fish are coming from someone else that knows their recent history, its probably ok to put them together if they are normally compatible species.