WTB: Hitchikers


I need "hitchhikers" without the rock. I started with dry rock this time so I've got nothing.

Good pods, stomatellas, collonista snails, micro stars (asterina and brittle), bristle worms, other beneficial worms... anything else benefical I'm not thinking of. Chips of coraline too.

Can anyone make a small package for me of some (or all if your tank is loaded) of these? What would you want for it?

By some or get cheati or macro algae from some one abd shake off in u tank always loaded with stuff ir by small piece of live rock like they said
I was helped out with some stars, worms, pods, and a couple of limpets yesterday by Chris/Superman so I'm doing well I think. He's a really cool guy and sent me on my way with a couple of ziplock bags. :) I suppose my offer to buy would include rock as well, but since I'm not really looking for the rock, it would need to be covered in critters like spaghetti worms, dusters, and snails, not just cured. I think I'm going to go the shake the chaeto route for some extra pods. Really all that's left is I would like to start a good stomatella and collonista community in my tank, maybe some more limpets... basically tiny snails that can breed in my tank are more interesting to me than way-too-expensive-astrea-snails that just fall on their backs and get tackled by hermit crabs.