Xenia looking crappy


New member
This is my first post. The board looks great! Looking forward to being a part of it.
So today my Red Sea pulsating Xenia is looking crappy. About 1/3 of the stalks are wilted and grey. All others are pink and pulsating. Other corals (shrooms, zoas, GSP, torch, and frogspawn) all show no signs of stress. The Xenia was doing great and I've had it in there a year or so. I did a WC about 5 days ago.
Just tested for a few things and don't know what could be causing this. Anyone else experience this? Anything else I should test/look for?

PH - 8.4
Nitrate - 0
Phosphate - 0
I believe they can't take too high of a temp. A bit of flow might help to get them up and running. Mine were like that when first got them -the gray, put some flow on them, it might help. Now when I turn my pumps off they pulse very nicely without any flow at all. Hope this helps and hope they start doing well
Also maybe add some iodine and make sure the flow carries it over the xenia. My xenia sometimes does the same thing and I don't know why but the iodine usually helps but unfortunately I don't know why. For all I know its just coincidence. Good luck.
Thanks for the responses everyone. My temp is steady at 80 degrees. SG is 1.026. The flow is the same as it ever was for their corner. My test kit lacks alk and magnesium but will test for calcium. My next question is, do I start ripping this dead/dying stuff out?
I'd leave it. Mine came back from nothing. I do not think Ca affects xenia. You should get yourself alk & Mg tests tomorrow.
Mine do the same the stuff that has flow is bright and pulsing the stuff that has moved to a spot without as much flow is much darker and barley pulse. Its been this way for a while it started at bottom of tank and moved up top so I just left it. Try some flow adjustment along with other suggestions. Good luck I wouldn't worry tho. Melting is when u should worry.