xenia reducing nitrates??


Active member
I read that xenias help reduce nitrates? is this true? I was thinking of adding some more chaeto to my reef since the last ball i added was pushed behind the rocks by the flow and I wasn't able to reach it to take it out but if xenias DO reduce nitrates, I think I am good then. :)
I'm not sure if they do reduce nitrates, but I'm sure they also expel their own waste which is something to keep in mind when you decide to use other animals to clean up your tank. My opinion on Xenias is that I would never put xenias in my tank again. They become pests and can take over your tank. Very hard to get rid of once they spread.
I keep my Nitrates = 0 with Carbon Dosing.
Xenia is know to help reduce dissolved organics in the tank, ergo, removing nitrates and phosphates. Some people love it it their tanks, as long as they keep it pruned, although it could overtake a tank in no time. If you're concerned about it in the dt, I've seen people place it in their fuges and sumps. But it does truly help eliminate nitrates and phosphates.
There are people who use xenia as a supplement for their marco algae. I'm thinking about throwing my excess into my fuge for the 110. They'll thrive under double compact fluorescent.
I had no idea, that is great since I have some that doing really good. Always learning new things about this hobby everyday. I love this site.
Xenia is know to help reduce dissolved organics in the tank, ergo, removing nitrates and phosphates. Some people love it it their tanks, as long as they keep it pruned, although it could overtake a tank in no time. If you're concerned about it in the dt, I've seen people place it in their fuges and sumps. But it does truly help eliminate nitrates and phosphates.

Do you think Xenia is better than Chaeto in this regard? I have been toying with the idea of propagating Aiptasia in my sump. I have few in there now and I have been leaving them alone. Anything that makes it in to my DT is gone within couple of days by my Peppermints. My peppermints absolutely love it.
I wouldn't say that xenia is better than cheato with removing dissolved organics. There really is no way to test that theory (although that'll be an interesting test). But they both do an excellent job at it, so it's probably all about choice.
First of all u need lots of cheto to remove those organics without the skimmer , for me cheato works as home for pods, or just put a sump twice as big as your display full of cheato and xenia then u can talk about removing organics natural way
That is great to know that they do work. Probably not as well as chaeto though. I do have a good size of my back glass wall covered in xenia which is where I isolated it too, just the glass and a small rock.